Monday, 22 February 2016

WinterNude Blues

As someone who did not get into the the whole Naturist experience until the summer was almost over last year, winter has been a tough pill to swallow.  Other than time at home, there are not exactly a lot of options to live the Naturist lifestyle through the winter months in the Great White North.  I finally found a free afternoon last week to visit the Ponderosa Nature Resort which is only a 20-30 min drive away and happens to have an indoor pool.  In previous posts I think I mentioned once or twice that swimming naked is among my very favourite things to do.  $40 was a small price to pay to do laps in the pool without need of swim shorts. Being a weekday afternoon there was only a few other visitors and for a solid hour I essentially had the pool and hot tub to myself. Bliss.  

Having visited Ponderosa before I was not surprised to see the staff fully clothed.  I know its winter but the clubhouse was kept nice and warm and knowing that they also remain clothed during the summer I still find this an abnormality for those promoting the Naturist lifestyle.  One day I'll get the nerve to ask but until then I don't wish to rock the boat.  

As a small break to the Winter Blues, this visit a good dose of medicine, but not the cure.  Spring won't come soon enough for me this year.  Sadly, until then, my Naturist activities will peak at sitting in front of the fireplace with my laptop talking to myself in blog form. 

Monday, 8 February 2016

Working from home = Working Naked

I wanted to put a short post up today cause I spent the entire day today in the buff.  I am rather fortunate as I am able to work from home rather often (Thank you internet and the high cost of corporate real estate).  Today I took full advantage of this.  For lack of another term it was very "liberating".  I had conference calls all day and to be speaking to people over the phone while completely naked is an excellent experience.  I was grinning the whole time especially when my supervisor made a comment about the fact I was working from home today to a larger group that I was likely still in my pyjamas.  The group got a good laugh and I told them I was in fact in my pyjamas, which as I sleep naked this was not a lie.

The "winter blues" are especially true for a naturist in Canada.  The reality is that you cannot experience Naturism the same way in the winter as you can the rest of the year. I feel like this may be the secret cure to them for me however.  

Friday, 5 February 2016

Social Nudity

When I first started writing this blog my motivation was that I could not find a lot about the "human experience" with Naturism / Nudists.  Its not that they are not out there, but they are few and far between and any time you step into a new world, support, clarity and understanding make all the difference.  I have seen a few articles where Journalists write about their first experience with Naturism, and while this has made for some entertaining reading, I found most painted more of a caricature and that the real experience is lost in the need for an entertaining read.  I am not a professional writer, and if anyone was actually reading my posts I am sure I'd be primed for literary feedback so I really shouldn't be too judgemental.

Adding my voice to the conversation has been a benefit personally more so than I thought it would, in a sort of therapeutic way, even if no one is listening.  If they are, I hope it helps them a little too. However seeing as we are now well into the Social Media era, I should not be surprised that the "human experience" gaps could actual be filled, not in traditional journalism, but in Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  Despite the best efforts of such progressive groups as the "Free The Nipple" movement and Young Naturist's of America, most social media still chooses to block the natural human body as an obscenity or pornography, rather than the true human form that should be celebrated. That being said, they remain a useful tool for someone like myself, looking for some clarity and support. 

The two resorts nearest me that I've already mentioned several times, Ponderosa, and Bare Oaks, both have increased their social media presence on Facebook and Twitter to promote their resorts.  Bare Oaks also have an Instagram page.  My experience so far with Facebook is that its great for straight information, what/when are things going on etc, but its in Twitter, and to my utmost surprise Instagram, that I have found actual Naturism experiences being shared.  And its amazing to see like minded people share photos of themselves and their friends au natural, conveniently angled or shadowed (there is even an app for that) to meet silly conservative guidelines.  When you add to those pictures the comments that go with them, its amazing the stories you begin to see.  People of all shapes, colours, genders, going on amazing adventures, seeing incredible sights, and the general feeling of freedom they experience. They don't always tell the full story but what I have taken away from them so far is that this journey I am on, while I might be travelling solo, I am not alone.  And that feeling of community with other Naturists is something that encourages me and inspires me to keep moving forward, be happy with who I am and who I want to be.
I suggest you check out some of the following Naturists, groups, individuals, and artists, on Instagram, you will likely take something different away from them than I have, but I am sure it will be positive.

Disclaimer: I do not know anyone of the below people or groups personally, I've only seen them on Instagram and found them inspiring. Take from it as you may

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Winter Blues

So far its been a mild winter, I have been lucky enough to be living the Naturist lifestyle most of the time when I am home.  Most days I have been so bold as to keep the majority of my window shutters open with a few exceptions out of respect for the nearby neighbours.  We have had a mild winter so far with plenty of sunny days, making up for being unable to venture out into the more public naturist world.  
I have not made it out yet to Ponderosa resort and made use of their indoor pool sadly. They are not that far a drive but finding time has been difficult, I truly want to check this out. Swimming is the one thing that stands out for me that makes naturism enjoyable. Not to say I don't enjoy the feeling on a hot sunny day at the beach or even watching TV in the buff at home.  But to swim at Hanlans Point and the couple of visits I made to the outdoor pool at Ponderosa, that's what has got me hooked on naturism up to this point.  And having discovered this so late in the season last year, I really can't wait for summer this year more than any before.
There is also a " GTA Skinny Dippers" club in Toronto, I'll have to give one of their events a try after work one night as that may be easier to work into my schedule.  I promise to update once I do try either Ponderosa or GTA Skinny Dippers out as a winter alternative.  Until then a few tips on home winter naturism.

  1. Be considerate of your neighbours, this is for you, not them, so keep windows with an easy view covered.  I keep all the back windows uncovered though as I am lucky to have a ravine behind my home keeping the nearest home at a distance.  Best time for open shutters is when the sun is on the window, you get some vitamin D, and the reflection makes it difficult for outsiders to  see in
  2. On colder days, a sweater and warm slippers make up for a lack of pants really well.
  3. Nude under a blanket still feels nude, so when watching TV or reading, this is a good compromise.
  4. There are options outside if you can find the time (unlike me).  Ponderosa has an indoor pool, GTA Skinny Dippers plans events at local pools and even bowling if thats your thing.  Bare Oaks has a large indoor hottub, and they were promoting a Naturist event at a Museum in Kitchener, so options exist, take advantage of them!

If it turns out anyone is actually reading this and I am not just talking to myself, I would appreciate feed back on the National naturist organizations, and is membership worth it?  Comment or contact me directly via the blog.  I know some resorts/clubs offer discounts to members of these organizations, so is it worth it?  $50 CDN a year for the Federation of Canadian Naturists.  I'd love to hear back.

Goodbye Blogger

I have moved on to Wordpress, it is a bit more user friendly as a platform for my blog.  All my contact links etc. are below.  Stay Naked my...